Economy in Sulawesi Barat 1st Quarter 2018 based on Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at Current Price Market achieve to 9,99 trillion ruphias, while at 2010 Constant Market Price achieve to 7,24 trillion ruphias
Economy in Sulawesi Barat at 1st Quarter 2018 if compare with the same quarter at 2017 (y on y) have growth 5,65 percent. The highest growth of 18,60 percent that happen on water supply, trash management, waste, and recycle categories. From expenditure side, the highest growth is consumption government expenditure component of 6,77 percent
Economy in Sulawesi Barat 1st Quarter 2018 increased by 8,15 percent (q to q). From the business field approach, almost all business fields contracted but the highest growth was achieved by water supply, waste management, waste and recycling at 2.13 percent. In terms of the highest growth expenditure was achieved by the export expenditure component by 0.51 percent
At the regional scale in Sulawesi Maluku Papua, the highest economic growth in quarter I-2018 (q to q) occurred in Gorontalo by 2.07 percent. West Sulawesi contracted 8.15 percent, occupying the eighth position. While the highest economic growth in the first quarter-2018 (y on y) occurred in Papua amounted to 28.93 percent. As for West Sulawesi of 5.65 percent, occupying the position to nine